3 Organize Project Files like a Pro

We make code shareable and manageable because science should be shareable and manageable

documents trap xkcd 1459
documents trap xkcd 1459

3.1 File structure

Your project should be organized in the following structure where all paths specified in the code should be made relative to the project folder

- *your_project*
  - *config* 
  - *data* 
  - *docs*
  - *notebook*
  - *script*
  - *README.md*

3.1.1 config folder

All configuration files should be placed here

3.1.2 data folder

All data should be placed here, but in practice , an symbolic link should be made to this folder if file size is significantly large.

3.1.3 docs folder

All markdown rendering output should be placed here - this folder will be used for GitHub page

3.1.4 notebook folder

All R markdown or Jupyter notebook should be placed in this folder.

3.1.5 script folder

All scripts except R markdown and Jupyter notebook should be placed in this folder.

3.1.6 README markdown

README file is to communicate important information about your project which should contains:

  • TBD